Medworld OBESITY Clinic
Obesity surgery is a medical method that allows people with excessive weight problems to reach their ideal weight by reducing the amount of nutrients ingested and dieting methods used after surgery by reducing the stomach with high-tech surgery.

Who can have sleeve gastrectomy operation?
Obese people will have sleeve gastric surgery performed by calculating the ratio of height and weight. Before the operation, the patients go through the identified health checks and it is determined whether they are suitable for the operation. Given the weight and health issues, patients who meet the criteria can have this surgery and begin healthy and rapid weight loss processes.
*No Surgery *No Endoscopy *No Anaesthesia
The Elipse swallowable gastric balloon was produced to solve the possible disadvantages of the traditional gastric balloon. The Elipse balloon is the first gastric balloon that is swallowed and naturally leaves the body four months later.
Sleeve stomach surgery is the most common method used to treat obesity. During this operation, a rate of 65% -90% is removed depending on the width of the stomach.
A gastric balloon, also known as an intragastric balloon or belly balloon, is a soft balloon that is inserted into your stomach through your mouth using an endoscope, non-surgically.
Gastric bypass surgery is a treatment that aims to shorten the pathway that the food takes in the body. It reduces the stomach volume and shortens the absorption path of the food
In this operation, a gastric reserve similar to the gastric sleeve is also created and the small intestine is sutured from the appropriate distance. Weight loss is experienced with a similar mechanism.
Body mass index, or BMI, is used to determine whether you are in a healthy weight range for your height.

Who Should Obesity Surgery Be Performed?
- Body mass index over 40 or between 35 and 40 and concomitant diseases (high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, sleep apnea, arthritis)
- Obesity has existed for at least 3 years
- Hormonal diseases should not exist. (Hypothyroidism, adrenal disease)
- Despite medication and diet therapy, do not lose weight for at least 1 year.
- Not addicted to alcohol or drugs.
- The patient’s understanding of the method to be used and the ability to adapt after surgery.
The effect of obesity surgery on patient comfort
- The patient’s risk of heart disease and heart attack is reduced.
- Asthma attacks decrease and in some patients these attacks go away completely.
- Respiration is normal a few months after surgery.
- The patient can resume physical activities that they had to stop due to obesity.
- Reduces the leakage of acid from the stomach into the esophagus due to reflux.
- High blood pressure is kept under control.